1. Do you make Berlin School type of Electronic music?
A: yes, but in my own style. But I also like the French electronic music.
2. Do you make Ambient music?
A: yes, but at my own tempo.
3. Do you perform on stage?
A: Yes, I like doing that, plus it is vital to get your music heard. Playing on stage gives you the best feedback on your music. Only then you grow as an artist.
4. Do you listen to electronic music a lot?
A: No, not any more. Because as a composer and producer I just don't have the time or energy to listen all day to this type of music. The brain must rest and get inspired too.
5. Who are your favorite artists and bands?
A: From these artists and bands I have at least 4 albums in my possession so here they are: Ennio Morricone, Jean Michel Jarre, Francis Lai, Vangelis, Marillion, Genesis, U2, Coldplay, Brain Eno, Underworld, Faithless, Kitaro, Level42, Tears for Fears, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Patrick O'Hearn, Lionel Richie, Zucchero, RAF, Matia Bazar, Claudio Baglini, Sting, Simple Minds, Bruce Springsteen, Deacon Blue, Mark Isham, Patricia Kaas, Pat Metheny Group, Pet Shop Boys, Peter Gabriel and Toto.
6. The rumor goes that you are very much interested in World Music like the French chanson and some Italian pop/rock based music. Is this true?
A: yes, my CD collection of this type of music is bigger than my EM collection ;-)
7. What is your favorite synthesizer?
A: my Moog Voyager.
8. Why are you not signed to an EM record label?
A: I had to start on my own and doing self-releases due to some circumstances. I don't feel the pressure to change it now. I like doing things on my own at my own tempo. That's is 99% concerning the creative/artistic side and 1% financial.
9. So is there a particular label you would like to join?
A: No, unless it adds some extra artistic value for all parties.
10. Do you let others listen to your work before you release the music on an album?
A: No, I don't want the music leaves my home before it is finished. I have a strong vision of how it should sound. After the release there are always quite a number of people who say that they liked the album they bought. That's enough for me. I don't need any more than that. Music is personal. You can not create an album on the likes and dislikes of other people. When you let others listen to your new tracks, you will often what they like and don't like but not where the wrong notes are (if there any left). So technically I can not improve my musicial skills when the right comments about the arrangement or production are absent. It may be a tough statement, but that is how I think of it.
11. Do you have a preference to perform in a particular country?
A: No. When someone wants me to come and perform, then I mostly are willing to come.
12. What is for you the perfect location to perform?
A: Well, that depends mostly on the sound system. I need to hear myself. I.E. floor monitor speakers are important. At the Schwingungen Garten Party there were perfect speakers. The whole sound was exceptionally well done for an outdoor event.
13. What the most disliking part for you while giving concerts?
A: to get the instruments and stuff from and to your car before and after the concert. Especially after the concert when one is tired. I don't have a crew and I have to do everything myself. I like the driving home although.
14. How do you think about terms like "Berlin School" or "Holland School"?
A: Well, the Berlin School terms stands for itself. It reflects a certain period of electronic music. David Bowie went to Berlin to get his inspiration and friendship with Edgar Froese. But also the dark and gloomy sounds used in the 70-ties/80-ties immediatly points out to this city. I have been 2 times in Berlin, and I think it is a great city which is continuously developing and growing. Just like music. I find the term "Holland School" completely nonsense. There is no basis for that because it is an adaption just to show some importance in the world of music, although some may think differently on that. I always find it annoying to read this in reviews. The use of this term should be avoided. It makes us Dutch musicians rediculous in my point of view. And it is not fair to Berlin School.
15. Are you a Berliner?
A: No, not a German either. Just a proud guy from Holland who likes Germany and its citizens for quite some reasons, just like Great Britain, France, Belgium and Italy for example.
16. Can people order your albums at your website?
A: Yes they can. Have a look at the albums you are interested in. For each album there is information available and what the shipping costs are. Just add the total of albums and do this times the amount of each album. Then do the total payment to Paypal: [email protected] and don't forget to mention your address. When ordering more than 3 albums, there are no shipping charges. So for example you want to order 3 albums, then pay EUR 20,00 to [email protected] and mention the address you want it send to. Within 48 hours after receiving payment, your package will be posted. However, if you don't have Paypal, just send me an email for bank details.
17. Can people get a signed copy of the album they buy?
A: Yes, offcourse, just mention it. I like doing that. You just don't get this when you buy a download.